We are offering Rapid 15min COVID-19 Testing

What is the purpose of the Rapid Antigen nasal swab test?

The rapid antigen COVID-19 test we are offering is an antigen test that uses a nasal swab to collect a sample. This test will tell you if you have antigens for an active COVID-19 infection. Antigen tests are designed to detect proteins from the virus that causes COVID-19 in respiratory specimens such as nasal swabs. The antigen test sounds like the antibody test, but the antibody test is not the same (the antigen is used to indicates an active infection; while the antibody test helps us see if you had a past infection). 

What is the advantage of this rapid antigen COVID-19 test?

Rapid antigen COVID-19 testing allows us to take a nasal swab specimen from you and receive results in less than 20 minutes while you are still in the clinic.

Where/who administers the test?

We will perform the nasal swab test to collect a sample for analysis at our office.

When will I get my results?

The result will be given within 20 minutes.

Do you accept health insurance and how much does it cost?

The test collection is not covered by insurance but we accept HSA accounts. The testing fee is $150.

Are the tests FDA approved?

Yes, our tests are approved under the FDA Emergency Use Authorization program.

Is it possible for this test to give a negative result that is incorrect (false negative)?

Yes, this is possible, but not likely. If your test result is negative, your healthcare provider will consider the test result together with all other aspects of your medical history in deciding how to care for you. It is important that you work with your healthcare provider to help you understand the next steps you should take.

Bereavement Treatment

If you or anyone you know have lost a loved one, we are offering a free/donation treatment to aid in the grieving process—whether it be shock, anger, or loss—we hope to help you move forward in the right direction with the guidance of you and the loved one’s spirit.

Please let us know in advance when you are making an appointment. Thank you.

Medical Qigong Practitioner Certification Program

We have 2 spots left for MQP1 starting this December!

Learn to develop your psychic intuition and well-being using the body as a template. This training is for developing self-awareness, self-mastery, energetic sensitivity, and building powerful energetic fields. These skills lead to developing the ability to help others or increasing your ability to handleå life with more ease and flow. For those interested in Internal Alchemy training, we will begin the preliminary practices to open up the body and progress towards alchemical meditations.

Medical Qigong Practitioner Certification Program: We are starting the first MQP module (30hrs) from December 3-6, 2020, with a limited number of students due to COVID-19. We will follow the state guidelines as well as extra protection with provided face shields, distancing, sanitizing, etc.

12/3 Thursday 1p-5p
12/4 Friday 10a-5p
12/5 Saturday 10a-5p
12/6 Sunday 10a-4p
And one more meeting day in December TBD

In-person: $1250/module
Zoom online**: $750/module
**only if we are all no longer able to meet in person due to worsening of COVID-19 and regulations

(Please contact me if you are very serious about learning this program but financially unable)

New offerings ’til the end of the Pig Year!

Hello Everyone!

As the days get shorter and nature gathers inward, we may feel our energy and spirits diminishing along with sunlight. We can align ourselves with this natural seasonal process and be filled with inner light by going more inward this season–instead of just outward.

For the next 8 selected Saturdays until the Lunar New Year (1/25/2020 Metal Rat Year), I will be offering my private sessions as group workshops. These various practices have been life-altering in my growth and I want to share these as a way of giving back–by offering them on sliding scale–pay what you feel they are worth.

Let these practices create space for the upcoming Year by helping your body & spirit to let go of old stagnant energies, as well as guide you in-and-out of this busy season with ease.

All the workshops will be at Twist Yoga Richmond Beach on select Saturdays. Please bring your yoga mat, cushion, blanket, etc. as needed. You can check the updated calendar for easy-to-view workshop schedules. 

I look forward to seeing you all!

Event: Daoist Yogas
When: select Saturdays @12p-1p

Practice of Daoist Internal Energetic Meditations, including taichi, qigong, neigong, shengong, daoyin, yiquan, etc. Will vary weekly.

These life force cultivating movements & meditations are from the 5 volumes of The Secret Teachings of Chinese Energetic Medicine and various Daoist Mysticism teachings.
Event: Group Acupuncture & Movement
When: select Saturdays @1p-3p

We will begin with movement or meditations before sitting or laying down for the acupuncture session.

Auricular (ear) or Scalp Acupuncture will be used for this group session. At times, NADA protocol will be used for shifting toxic emotional/mental patterns and habits.
Event: Group Past Life Regression
When: Nov 23, 2019 Sat @5:30p-7p

A Guided Journey Into Your Deepest Self—Do you wish to connect with your Spirit Guides? Do you struggle or feel blocked in your relationships?

If you are new to past life regression, come with a beginner’s mind and your sense of curiosity. And if you’re a seasoned past life traveler, join us for another adventure!
Event: LuJong – Tibetan Yoga
When: select Saturdays @4:30p-5:45p

This ancient practice is one of the most simple but fastest way to purify and cultivate our energy by unblocking our chakras and subtle channels.

When our chakras and channels are in flow, we can deeply feel and open our hearts–a direct experience to our bliss body and true-self.
Event: Clear Light Meditations
When: select Saturdays @5:45p-7p

Our innate nature of mind is light–and the secret to seeing this clear light is to simply sit, without goals or expectations. This is a simple but a core advanced practice in all the ancient spiritual traditions.

Each week, we will pick one tradition and practice the stillness meditations from a Daoist (neidan), Zen Buddhism (zazen), or Tibetan Buddhism (ati yoga/dzogchen) perspectives.

We all share the same human energetic template–and as our mind and elements stabilize with practice, we will be aware of this light in meditation, regardless of the tradition.

Measles Virus Wipes Out Golf-Ball-Sized Cancer Tumor In 36 Hours

The measles could be a “single-shot cure for cancer,” Mayo Clinic doctor says

Clinical trials underway at the Mayo Clinic are revealing an unlikely friend in the fight against cancer… the measles virus.

Scientists have long known that getting sick with the measles can sometimes trigger spontaneous reduction in the size of  tumors, but recent clinical trials at the Mayo Clinic have demonstrated just what a powerful weapon the little virus can be.

In a 2014 trial, a concentrated dose of the measles put a late-stage cancer patient into long-term remission.

The terminally ill woman had suffered through every type of chemotherapy available and two stem cell transplants, only to relapse again and again.

She had an advanced case of multiple myeloma, a deadly cancer of the blood spread throughout her body and bone marrow, when researchers offered her a last-ditch resort — a massive dose of the measles.

Within 5 minutes, she got a splitting headache and a fever of 105, followed by vomiting and shaking.

Within 36 hours, a tumor the size of a golf ball on her forehead had disappeared, and within two weeks there was no cancer detectable in her body.

“It’s been the easiest treatment I’ve done by far,” she tells CNN.

The virus strain was engineered and weakened in a lab, and then given in a dose strong enough to vaccinate 10 million people.

Treating cancer with viruses is not new. Mayo Clinic scientists say “virotherapy” has been used successfully on thousands of cancer patients, but this is the first case of a patient with cancer spread throughout her body going into remission.

“I think we succeeded because we pushed the dose higher than others have pushed it,” said lead study author Dr. Stephen Russell. “And I think that is critical. The amount of virus that’s in the bloodstream really is the driver of how much gets into the tumors.”

The measles virus makes cancer cells join together and explode, Mayo Clinic researcher Dr. Angela Dispenzieri explains. There’s also evidence that the virus stimulates the immune system, helping it recognize any recurring cancer cells and “mop them up.”

Subsequent clinical trials have shown similar results with ovarian cancer, breast cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma, according to a 2016 research paper titled “Measles to the Rescue.” And current trials are looking at the effect of the measles on glioblastoma multiforme, mesothelioma and squamous cell carcinoma.

“We recently have begun to think about the idea of a single shot cure for cancer — and that’s our goal with this therapy,” Russell said


Original Post: https://returntonow.net/2019/02/09/measles-virus-wipes-out-golf-ball-sized-cancer-tumor-in-36-hours/